Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is Apo-alprazolam

Le ciambelle di Carnevale

carnival is now looking to finish a couple of days, but still fresh around the house: yesterday I went to see Mariolla and offered me a bit 'of donuts that had prepared together with our mom.
You are fun to dirty oneself and to fry and eat them one after the other ... Thank God it was advanced a few, so I have been able to taste ... I also

1 kg of potatoes mashed
1 kg of flour 4 eggs

50 g sugar 100 g margarine

peel of a grated lemon
1 pizzico di sale
4 panetti di lievito a pezzetti
olio per friggere
zucchero per ricoprire la superficie

Procedimento :
Su una spianatoia, disporre la farina a fontana, insieme alle patate schiacciate, al centro unire tutti gli altri ingredienti e impastare (forse con un'impastatrice si fa prima?).
Fare le ciambelline e lasciarle riposare al caldo per almeno mezzora.
Una volta lievitate, riscaldare in una padella abbondante olio e friggerle, fino a che non diventano belle dorate.
Sono buonissime calde, davvero Unbeatable ... but cold is not bad ... sin but the day after they harden a bit, 'so it's best not to take it like hotcakes.


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