taken from www.chiesavaldese.org March 10, 2011: | |
response to the article by Goffredo Fofi Unit on February 12 | |
Goffredo Fofi published on February 12 last year ' Unit an article addressing the Waldenses words of appreciation for their affair and their testimony in the past, but complaining about their absence in the debate in Italy, as a minority "could give more, not enough to be good you have to help others become" maybe "... you are left thinking that ensnared in a conformist society should not be exposed?". In its response (published on March 5) Maria Bonafede, moderator of the Waldensian Church, put out one thing: to contribute to the debate must be heard in the current situation and the evangelicals have disappeared from the national scene, not by their own will but because the conformist media the country has relegated them into insignificance. thank Godfrey Fofi who has dedicated an article to our Church urges us to "do more". An affectionate encouragement, it seems, that and welcome that, however, neglects a given fund from which no one should be independent: in Italy religious information on the Protestant world (but not only) is guilty obscured and also tested in the past seemed to have a heart that pluralism of faiths and spiritual traditions in recent decades has also grown in Italy, now seem to inform focused exclusively on the Catholic Church and that revolves around the Vatican. Sorry to say, even the U.S. than in the past was the first Italian newspaper to open a page "of religions." But there were other times. Fofi remembers the good times and Miegge Mottura, Agape and Ries, Vinay and Quaderni Rossi Raniero Panzieri: places, people with experiences in which individuals have committed themselves to the Waldenses sometimes explicit sometimes indirect support of their church. It is good because my generation is the daughter of that season and those teachers. But the story did not stop in the '60s: After we were feminism, movements for peace, the fight for a secular state, the commitment to the 'acceptance of immigrants. And they are chapters of a commitment to bear witness for us Waldensians still continues, with the same intensity and passion because it is based on our faith. How many know that a number of Waldensian and Methodist churches have opened a counter to store the "living will"? Who knows what the position of our church on medically assisted fertilization or the rights of unmarried couples? Who knew that our Church by a large majority decided to bless coppie omosessuali che vogliano inizare un percorso di vita insieme? Chi ha visitato una delle tante chiese valdesi e metodiste impegnate in programmi di accoglienza e di integrazione degli immigrati? Chi sa che almeno il 10% dei valdesi oggi sono immigrati che hanno trovato una casa spirituale nelle nostre comunità, sempre più multiculturali e multietniche? Qualcuno ha mai saputo delle nostre insistenti richieste al governo ed al parlamento sul tema della libertà religiosa? Per tutti, dai musulmani ai testimoni di Geova. Pochi temo. Pensi, Fofi, all'avvilente silenzio sul testamento biologico alla vigilia di un delicato passaggio parlamentare: per parte nostra abbiamo gridato dai tetti il nostro dissenso against the text that could be approved. We have written and said that as believers and as Christians we believe legitimate to have to die with dignity, in freedom and responsibility that the Lord gives to each of us. The paper on which you can write to us at times, mostly a few lines months ago. Now, as the debate should be open and lively, has not thought of giving voice to our ideas. We regret, but obviously we are concerned much more the climate of religious conformity which emerges from every corner of Italian politics and in large parts of the world of culture. We regret this because we believe that ignoring the Reformation and Protestantism, Italy end up ignoring a decisive step in the modern world, freedom of the individual and his conscience, of secularism and ethics of responsibility. Sorry to say, dear Fofi, but the consequences of this step are not there for us all. We are on the eve of February 17, the day when in 1848 after centuries of persecution of the Waldensians of the Kingdom of Sardinia was granted civil liberty. For us it is an occasion of celebration of freedom, not only religious and not just for the Waldensians. We'd love to be a celebration of all Italians. February 16, 2011 Send article by Goffredo Fofi, Unit of February 12, 2011 |
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