Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Dog Is Dragging Her Hind Legs

Il dentista in gravidanza

I write these lines in the event that served to someone knowing it, because I was completely unaware of it, my ignorance, I admit it!
So yesterday I went to the dentist after not know how many years since I was a control. I thought that during
pregnancy and breastfeeding was strongly recommended to go there because I do not know what.
Fortunately, during my two bellies I had no problems of any kind to the teeth if not a strong inflammation of the gums I was told was completely normal, oh well.
Yesterday, I said, when the dentist asked me when was my last check and I told her that maybe I am now almost 4 years, is startled (ok, that she must also pull the water to his mill.)
After the control has decreed that there are no big problems (except to remove a wisdom tooth and I shudder at the thought and care and a filling ... ok, well this ...), but I also found that EVEN IN PREGNANCY SI PUO' ANDARE DAL DENTISTA per evitare problemi che possono insorgere spesso e volentieri (addirittura molte donne sono andate incontro alla perdita dei denti durante le loro gravidanze!). Una pulizia dei denti, in maniera opportuna, si può fare. Il dentista può consigliare i prodotti e la cura che si può seguire, del resto chiedere non fa mai male.
Insomma... SI PUO'! Yes, We can!

Non si finisce mai di imparare!


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