Cambiando l'ordine dei fattori, il risultato CAMBIA, eccome!!!!
How do you solve the problem of hysterics Miriam leaving the nest?
reversing the order of how I take the girls!
Why not try? Instead of taking the first
Melanie and wait Miriam out of his class with his sister in her arms, I took the first Miriam, I've exchanged a few words on the day, I put my coat and then I said, 'Come on, Miri, you go to take Melanie in her class, tell her mom out there who is waiting! "
Miriam ran into the class of Melanie and I went out together hand in hand ... Nothing
No tears.
Nothing at all ...
be a coincidence?
that will last the planets were aligned in the right way, after spending a day in damn dog?
Maybe it was already running for cover, taking advantage of the availability of Mariolla to come with me to take them to the nest?
Boh ... Today
repeat the experiment.
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