Sunday, March 13, 2011

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ago that there are more homes burned
like trees without leaves, but

around us there are only flowers.
Let people do not bring more guns, but
that there is more misery and despair, but
joy and serenity.
Lord, when I hear a siren,
if a patient heal him soon,
if it is a fire, shut it down immediately and
that there are no deaths or injuries.
Lord, have mercy on us and save us.
Punish the bad guys, if you believe
but not severely,
they know not what they do.
Thank you, Lord, for all
what you did.
But love is lacking.
birds and flowers have,
but men do not.

a Lebanese child

I had a box of colors
some hot, some are very cold.
I had the red for the blood of the wounded
I had the black for the tears of orphans;
I did not have white hands and the face of the dead.
But I had orange for the joy of life,
and green for buds and nests, and
heavenly light shining skies
ed il rosa per i sogni ed il riposo.
Mi sono seduta e ho dipinto la pace.
una bambina israeliana

tratto da: Comitato Italiano per la CEVAA, 
In Attesa del Mattino ,
raccolta di testi di fede,
stampato ma non pubblicato, Torre Pellice, 1991, p. 123.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Do You Need A Vcr To Play Super Nintendo

Le immagini della settimana

The slaughter house for
Melanie who eats his first cannoli with ricotta

How To Break Nitrous Oxide Whippets


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Ve le dò io le pari opportunità!

Put a day stay happily pregnant.
Put that all in all, you feel good and want to make it continue to do everything alone and even to work.
Suppose you decide to work until the eighth month of pregnancy.
all goes well, why not?
And they say that pregnancy is not a disease, you can do everything and you feel di farcela, nonostante gli ormoni, e ce la fai anche brillantemente, meglio di un uomo senza panza ripiena e impegni ad essa connessi.
Metti che poi arriva il giorno in cui entri in maternità, come è giusto che sia, con un pancione galattico e ti aspettano gli ultimi mille esami da fare e cose da preparare prima dell'arrivo del frugoletto.
Metti che saluti tutti e inserisci l'"autoreply" alla mail dicendo appunto che sei via per maternità.
Metti che durante l'ultimo mese di gravidanza, quando proprio dovresti essere lasciata nello stato di grazia in cui ti trovi, ti squilla il cellulare e rispondi pure.
Metti che dalla sede centrale che si trova in tutt'altra città, Your boss tells you that you entered in your town to talk to you.
Put that agree to meet him (even if you could send him to piss off cheerfully and respectfully among the nettles of any field) and begin to smell something burning.
Suppose then he comes and asks you to even get in the car at rush hour to pass through the city, convenient access to downtown and looking for parking, cursing all the saints in heaven ... all the while casually carrying the belly almost to the end (according to him).
Put that at this point, you feel a bit 'to gnaw and say oh well that you also come to the meeting there, but at least let's meet somewhere more comfortable, no!? O chiedere troppo?
Metti che il capo si muove a compassione e accetta. Grazie mille, eh!
Metti che vai all'incontro, il capo si presenta con un altro tizio baldanzoso che ricoprirà il tuo posto durante la tua assenza... e già pensi: e mo' quest'altro che vuole?
Metti che senti la puzza di bruciato aumentare tanto che quasi ti viene da tossire per il principio di intossicazione da esalazione di monossido di carbonio.
Metti che poi ti informano della tua futura posizione: retrocessa ad un ruolo che prima invece coordinavi tranquillamente, mentre tutti gli altri tuoi colleghi hanno ricevuto promozioni e incentivi.
Metti che ti spiattellano in faccia il fatto che proprio per la tua assenza per maternità non era possibile to do otherwise and that this bold piece of mud came prancing along with that other piece of shit on your head, continue to hold your position when you return to work.
Put that piece of shit above, do not even know the woman's right to breastfeeding for the first year of life of their child, so that even propose any trips during this period.
Suppose you have this new position as an opportunity ', and yes, you should also thank them very nearly, is not it?
Put that in addition to the damage, you feel it too highly mocked.
Suppose you go up the anger.
Put you're disappointed, tired and now you see only red. Put that on me puke
to these characters whatever you think of them, the way they do, the decisions taken at your own expense ... finally put that empty lot and you take off all the pebbles in your shoes (which have since become boulders).
Suppose you think, much worse than that, you can not, at least to me vent!
Put that want to enforce your rights and to recognize your commitment, your professionalism and your expertise.
Suppose they do not give a worthy strain of your commitment, your professionalism and your expertise, just because you now have a baby bump. Put
finally decide to pay them back with the same coin and decide yourself: from now on I'll do most anything but the bare essentials I asked with a minimum commitment and effort ... falling mass of mediocrity in the most insignificant man average. And then talk about

pariOpportunitàPoliticaPerFamiglieIncentiviAdAvereFigli ?????
But not fool ourselves.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Does Can-c Work On Dogs

AAA Cercasi approvazione disegno di legge

Moms bloggers, readers and passers-by readers, all of humanity: I need an urgent official website that explains in detail the bill approved by Sacconi in these days when he decreed the introduction of greater flexibility of 'working time, easier to obtain part-time for having children under 3 years of age, the possibility of teleworking, permits extra for the inclusion of children in the nursery, kindergarten, elementary and so on and so forth ...

well then I explain why I need ...

I tried to get me a ride on the network, but have not found anything like the sites of various ministries (Labour, Equal Opportunities, interior, etc ....)... I may have looked bad, I certainly looked bad indeed ...
I help?

Thank you very much.

My Dog Is Dragging Her Hind Legs

Il dentista in gravidanza

I write these lines in the event that served to someone knowing it, because I was completely unaware of it, my ignorance, I admit it!
So yesterday I went to the dentist after not know how many years since I was a control. I thought that during
pregnancy and breastfeeding was strongly recommended to go there because I do not know what.
Fortunately, during my two bellies I had no problems of any kind to the teeth if not a strong inflammation of the gums I was told was completely normal, oh well.
Yesterday, I said, when the dentist asked me when was my last check and I told her that maybe I am now almost 4 years, is startled (ok, that she must also pull the water to his mill.)
After the control has decreed that there are no big problems (except to remove a wisdom tooth and I shudder at the thought and care and a filling ... ok, well this ...), but I also found that EVEN IN PREGNANCY SI PUO' ANDARE DAL DENTISTA per evitare problemi che possono insorgere spesso e volentieri (addirittura molte donne sono andate incontro alla perdita dei denti durante le loro gravidanze!). Una pulizia dei denti, in maniera opportuna, si può fare. Il dentista può consigliare i prodotti e la cura che si può seguire, del resto chiedere non fa mai male.
Insomma... SI PUO'! Yes, We can!

Non si finisce mai di imparare!

Florida Party Boat Fishing

Il lavoretto di Carnevale

La mascherina dipinta dalle manine sante di Miriam di cui ne va stra-fiera!
Eccola all'uscita dal nido ieri quando finalmente ha deciso di portarsela a casa.

What Is Apo-alprazolam

Le ciambelle di Carnevale

carnival is now looking to finish a couple of days, but still fresh around the house: yesterday I went to see Mariolla and offered me a bit 'of donuts that had prepared together with our mom.
You are fun to dirty oneself and to fry and eat them one after the other ... Thank God it was advanced a few, so I have been able to taste ... I also

1 kg of potatoes mashed
1 kg of flour 4 eggs

50 g sugar 100 g margarine

peel of a grated lemon
1 pizzico di sale
4 panetti di lievito a pezzetti
olio per friggere
zucchero per ricoprire la superficie

Procedimento :
Su una spianatoia, disporre la farina a fontana, insieme alle patate schiacciate, al centro unire tutti gli altri ingredienti e impastare (forse con un'impastatrice si fa prima?).
Fare le ciambelline e lasciarle riposare al caldo per almeno mezzora.
Una volta lievitate, riscaldare in una padella abbondante olio e friggerle, fino a che non diventano belle dorate.
Sono buonissime calde, davvero Unbeatable ... but cold is not bad ... sin but the day after they harden a bit, 'so it's best not to take it like hotcakes.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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taken from March 10, 2011:


Maria Bonafede

response to the article by Goffredo Fofi Unit on February 12

Goffredo Fofi published on February 12 last year ' Unit an article addressing the Waldenses words of appreciation for their affair and their testimony in the past, but complaining about their absence in the debate in Italy, as a minority "could give more, not enough to be good you have to help others become" maybe "... you are left thinking that ensnared in a conformist society should not be exposed?". In its response (published on March 5) Maria Bonafede, moderator of the Waldensian Church, put out one thing: to contribute to the debate must be heard in the current situation and the evangelicals have disappeared from the national scene, not by their own will but because the conformist media the country has relegated them into insignificance.

thank Godfrey Fofi who has dedicated an article to our Church urges us to "do more". An affectionate encouragement, it seems, that and welcome that, however, neglects a given fund from which no one should be independent: in Italy religious information on the Protestant world (but not only) is guilty obscured and also tested in the past seemed to have a heart that pluralism of faiths and spiritual traditions in recent decades has also grown in Italy, now seem to inform focused exclusively on the Catholic Church and that revolves around the Vatican. Sorry to say, even the U.S. than in the past was the first Italian newspaper to open a page "of religions." But there were other times.

Fofi remembers the good times and Miegge Mottura, Agape and Ries, Vinay and Quaderni Rossi Raniero Panzieri: places, people with experiences in which individuals have committed themselves to the Waldenses sometimes explicit sometimes indirect support of their church. It is good because my generation is the daughter of that season and those teachers.
But the story did not stop in the '60s: After we were feminism, movements for peace, the fight for a secular state, the commitment to the 'acceptance of immigrants. And they are chapters of a commitment to bear witness for us Waldensians still continues, with the same intensity and passion because it is based on our faith. How many know that a number of Waldensian and Methodist churches have opened a counter to store the "living will"? Who knows what the position of our church on medically assisted fertilization or the rights of unmarried couples? Who knew that our Church by a large majority decided to bless coppie omosessuali che vogliano inizare un percorso di vita insieme? Chi ha visitato una delle tante chiese valdesi e metodiste impegnate in programmi di accoglienza e di integrazione degli immigrati? Chi sa che almeno il 10% dei valdesi oggi sono immigrati che hanno trovato una casa spirituale nelle nostre comunità, sempre più multiculturali e multietniche? Qualcuno ha mai saputo delle nostre insistenti richieste al governo ed al parlamento sul tema della libertà religiosa? Per tutti, dai musulmani ai testimoni di Geova. Pochi temo.

Pensi, Fofi, all'avvilente silenzio sul testamento biologico alla vigilia di un delicato passaggio parlamentare: per parte nostra abbiamo gridato dai tetti il nostro dissenso against the text that could be approved. We have written and said that as believers and as Christians we believe legitimate to have to die with dignity, in freedom and responsibility that the Lord gives to each of us. The paper on which you can write to us at times, mostly a few lines months ago. Now, as the debate should be open and lively, has not thought of giving voice to our ideas. We regret, but obviously we are concerned much more the climate of religious conformity which emerges from every corner of Italian politics and in large parts of the world of culture. We regret this because we believe that ignoring the Reformation and Protestantism, Italy end up ignoring a decisive step in the modern world, freedom of the individual and his conscience, of secularism and ethics of responsibility. Sorry to say, dear Fofi, but the consequences of this step are not there for us all. We are on the eve of February 17, the day when in 1848 after centuries of persecution of the Waldensians of the Kingdom of Sardinia was granted civil liberty. For us it is an occasion of celebration of freedom, not only religious and not just for the Waldensians. We'd love to be a celebration of all Italians.

February 16, 2011

Send article by Goffredo Fofi,
Unit of February 12, 2011

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(Citrus medica L. ssp limonum Hook f.)

The lemon (and lime) are from the hot forests at the foot of the Himalayas, as well as the orange bitter from India and China are also arrived in Europe with the return of the Crusaders.
result is a product par excellence.

The bark of the fruit (rind) collected at full ripeness, and the juice of the fruit.

The bark is used in nutrition and liquor, perfume is popular in the essential oil derives from them, also referred to as an antiseptic, rubefacient.
The juice is antiseptic, promotes the elimination of uric acid; externally is an excellent astringent, clarifying, cleansing and purifying.

The essential oil of the bark is suitable in general for the bronchitis and diseases of the respiratory tract. In addition, for external use is helpful in calming the rheumatic pains. The juice is especially useful in deficiencies of vitamin C in the disinfection of the oral cavity due to stomatitis, gingivitis and small mouth ulcers. Externally it is suitable for reducing sunburn, lighten freckles, clean your face.

- RETTED. Prepare an infusion with 1 / 2 cup lemon juice, and drink 2-3 cups a day between meals. Kla disinfectant removes thirst if unsweetened.
- INFUSION . Two lemons cut for a liter of water. A cups warm in stomach aches, nausea, and slow digestion, to sweat; COLD frebbrili states.
- Juice of 1 / 2 lemon in a cup of coffee calm migraines.
- PUNCH. chopped peel of two lemons to soak 24 hours in 250 grams of alcohol, 500 grams of water and 350 grams of sugar. Is filtered and joins 50 grams of caramelised sugar. A warm glass alone or mixed with water.

For external use
Healing, paneling juice to the tongue, gums, throat, tonsils, mouth ulcers. Eye drops for catarrh of the eyes.
juice to evening clutches of the face because it deep cleanses pores and stimulates the tissues.
glycerine and lemon juice to whiten the skin, get rid of yellow spots and heal chilblains, redness, etc..


- A piece of rind to flavor each cup of many infusions and decoctions.
- The juice used as a condiment and to replace the vinegar.
- Il succo caldo toglie le macchie di ruggine.


Foderare una tortiera con pasta frolla fatta con 200 gr di farina, 100 gr di burro, 2 uova, sale.
Ricoprirla con un pieno di 150 gr di mandorle tritate, la buccia grattugiata di 1 limone, il succo di 2 limoni, 200 gr di zucchero a velo, bene amalgamati.
Coprire con un disco di pasta e cuocere a 200° per circa 40 minuti.

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Pessime Mamme

When two evil minds mammesche as FinalmenteMamma and Seavessi , meet and give birth to a blog that wants to gather all the evidence new mothers and experienced mothers who have had a thousand and one problems and difficulties in becoming and growing as a mom, then you see them really beautiful.
Tutto è nato per condividere le diverse storie di allattamento, di sensi di colpa che si vivono quando questo momento non è poi così idilliaco come ci viene inculcato e per trarne le dovute conseguenze.
E' un momento di sfogo, di condivisione, di riflessione, di comprensione.
Un momento in cui si possono imparare un sacco di cose.
Un blog utile alle future mamme per capire ciò a cui stanno andando in contro e per poter dire loro: Fate di testa vostra! Volete un consiglio: NON ACCETTATE CONSIGLI!

Così, ho deciso di parlare anche delle mie storie di pseudo-allattamento .
Buona lettura e grazie ragazze belle!

What If I Get An Erection During A Brazilian Wax

Il disegno di Miriam: la mia famiglia

Ecco il disegno di Miriam I mentioned a few posts ago.
Manu, this morning, gave me explaining how things went.
have written next to each stain made, what it represents, for Miriam.
I am here ... There
dad ...
There she ...
When it stopped, then asked if there are really no other ... And then she began kicking the dirty hand on the right side of the sheet ...

I talked to Manu and says that it is not worrying at this time we see that Miriam is "accusing" most of the fact that now Melanie interact, walk, touching, begins to speak and also to attract the attention on himself.
this too will pass.

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100 lettori!

morning arrival.
I "logged".
I connect to the blog, as usual.
And I see you??
are to reach 100 readers!! OMARONNA! It grows really
together here.
Thank you all, one by one ... I shake my hand, I embrace you. And I thank Ninfa
, the last one joined the group ...

Ninfa well come on board!

Well ... that mean? Good day to you all!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Hair Products Are Safe?

10 cose per cui vale la pena vivere

pick invitation Mammachecasa and Seavessi and tell my 10 things that make life worth living:

  1. see my girls grow and saziarmi
  2. them smile and reassuring ' warm embrace of Marco
  3. chats and thoughts serious and silly and laughing with my sister made
  4. hot chocolate in winter and chocolate ice cream melting in the summer
  5. see the blue sky and sea meet the horizon
  6. smell good there in the house
  7. learn, discover, learn
  8. the beauty of the calm after the storm
  9. rays of sunshine filtering through the window in the morning and enjoy the last moments of slumber under blankets
  10. all life is a miracle, it always pays to live!

Fibromyalgia Fibroids


Artist: Vie de Jesus Mafa (contemporary Africa)


YEAR LX - No.2 - March - April 2011

daily meditations for worship
individual and family



Before , sit in silence for about 30 seconds to soothe your spirit. Then do some deep breaths and make yourself comfortable.

Read : to prepare for meditation open the Bible and read the recommended steps below the title. After reading, collecting a few moments to reflect on your music. What comes to mind? What's caught your attention?

verse quoted : relates to the fundamental significance of reading per day. Read it carefully and think about what it means to you. If you store it easy, you can try to memorize a verse once or twice a week.

The "history" : the meditations are written by people living in different parts of the world. After reading the section of the page, pause asking:
"What connection to my life are the words of this person?"

Prayer : close your moment of meditation using prayer at the end of the page. You may want to add something, reminding people or situations that you came to mind during your reflection.

Thought for the day is an invitation to make sense of the reading of the day. Repeat to yourself several times during the day and keep it in mind to remember what you received from the Lord during your meditation.

Redazione italiana

Coordinamento editoriale:  Giunio Censi

Supervisione teologico - pastorale:  Aurelio Penna

Graphic designer:  Paolo Manocchio

Traduzione dall'inglese a cura di:

Luca Brenga, Giosiana Ghisolfi, Margaret Tait, Anna Vanzulli

Per abbonamenti e corrispondenze scrivere a:

"Il Cenacolo" c/o O.P.C.E.M.I.
Via Firenze n.38 - 00184 Roma

Direttore responsabile: Paolo Manocchio

Breathing Problems And Stomach Virus

La Torta di Carnevale

Today big celebration of Carnival in the nest! I could not fail to make a treat for children.
I started mulling over what I could prepare ... No cake filled with custard, cream and chocolate variety ... Nothing
puffs ...
I could opt for muffins, but great as they are, surely the kids they would be chipped and then left.
Then I thought about the classic donut ...
Naaaaaaa! I want to do something different ....
let '...
Ah, yes: a cloud cake!
And then? What am I doing on it?
No, cover with icing sugar modeled, it seems to me too ...
No, the chocolate ganache no ... even if ... no, not good, it gets dirty all.
Ah, a nice cover with a thin layer of melted white chocolate with a couple of tablespoons of milk, just to attack the hundreds and thousands as if they were confetti!!

With this recipe I participate al contest di Spadelliamoinsieme :

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wearin Hats In Summer


Silver City Ticket Prize London Ontario

I nonni "IKEA-Addicted"

Quanto sono belli, pratici, economici, educativi, sicuri e semplici i giochi e le attrezzature per bambini che si vendono da Ikea, si sa.... tutte le mamme ne sono letteralmente rapite e innamorate.
Se solo avessi un po' di spazio in più in casa mi comprerei il mondo intero da Ikea... e Marco trema alla sola idea che un giorno, ancora non si sa quando, cambieremo casa e allora mi sbizzarrirò in tal senso...
E, come me, anche i nonni si sono invaghiti del reparto giocattoli dell'Ikea e si sono lasciati trasportare dalle spese pazze, così ieri We did find a lot of new things.
The girls have enjoyed so much.
I really liked the animal farm of cloth that did not know existed: colorful and very practical, once finished playing, all the animals are caught in the farm house and closes everything and becomes a briefcase ... very comfortable even when you have to carry around to play the girls. And then the famous
table we have not yet bought for us with two sedioline.
And then the blackboard with colored chalk.
And a box of pastels and wax crayons and watercolors and ...
And the finger puppets in the shape of animals ...
Avogli playing!

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Jesus surrenders to the faith of a woman: the universal teaching of the Gospel!

Gesu' e la donna cananea
Gianni Genre

Matthew 15.21-28
" 21 Party there, Jesus withdrew into the territory of Tyre and Sidon. 22 and behold a Canaanite woman came out of those places and began to shout: "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David. My daughter is severely tormented by a demon. " 23 But he said the word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, "Send her away, for crying out after us." 24 But he said: "I I was not sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. " 25 But she came and worshiped him, saying," Lord, help me! " 26 Jesus answered," It is good to take the children's bread and throw it to dogs. " 27 But she said:" You are right, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table. " 28 Then Jesus said unto her, Woman, great is your faith has made you as you want. " And from that moment her daughter was healed. "

The size of universality does not belong to us, is not a feature of our humanity, and indeed our natural feel, our approach to other people's lives radically contradict this dimension. Even in the churches is so, even in our faith. Many expressions of faith actually have nourished and nurture attitudes of closure, intolerance, and sometimes racism. Without going to the affirmation of Sartre's view that "the other is my hell, I must acknowledge that the other, especially when I do not correspond to the sensitivity, manners, culture, habits, causes me discomfort. Only meeting, Indeed the impact with each other at times I can convert.
In today's story, the drama of a small, obstinate pagan woman are the disciples of Jesus to deal with this problem and then is Jesus himself. Attitude of the disciples is understandable: that Jesus would tisfying of this little woman yelling and disturbing. You know, sister and brother, what bothers us the cries of those who run after us and robs us of our work, our days are so well organized that. The prayer that the disciples Jesus seems to turn to a curse than a prayer. They replied, 'Do something, maestro, let us get rid of this scocciatrice! " Perché vedi, sorella e fratello, a volte vorremmo essere accoglienti, a parole, tolleranti vorremmo essere, sempre disponibili. In realtà la misura della nostra capacità di ascoltare, di dare retta, di offrire tempo ed attenzione è subito colma. "Mandala via, perché ci grida dietro!"

Ma non ci sono soltanto i discepoli, c’è anche Gesù. Il suo atteggiamento ci lascia ancora più sbalorditi. Ci fa male il suo silenzio anzitutto, ci urta vedere Gesù che sembra non volere neppure rispondere. Noi sappiamo che la sofferenza, in particolare la sofferenza di un bambino è un fatto durissimo da accettare, ma ciò che la rende davvero insopportabile è la mancanza assoluta di spiegazioni. E Gesù infatti non risponde: è imbarazzato, insomma. Il suo silenzio sembra tradursi in disinteresse. È terribile il fatto che Gesù non sappia che cosa dire, che appare disarmato, afasico davanti a quel grido di aiuto. Noi siamo abituati, i pastori e i preti per primi, a cercare di rispondere sempre, anche se talvolta con molto imbarazzo. Invece il Dio che Gesù rappresenta non risponde, semplicemente perché non c’è risposta davanti allo scandalo della sofferenza di una bambina. E quando poi vi è costretto la risposta è spaventosa.
In realtà non si tratta di una risposta ma di un calcio. Gesù dice: "Non è bene prendere il pane dei figli per buttarlo ai cagnolini". Sarebbe been better if Jesus had listened to the disciples and looking for an excuse, as we often do, had dismissed without offending her, without her, even indirectly, so the dog. There are so many ways, we know, to download the people that we can not assume the problems. Why this rather scathing response to Jesus? "I came to the house of Israel and those I can not take care of the dogs, I have to take care of children." Why? Because the human Jesus of the Gospel is shockingly taken aback by the very small woman insistent that he was accustomed to surprise, to disorient the other, is taken against time for the little pagan woman screaming for her daughter dementia can recover the fullness of life.

short, Jesus is like us. When we are to govern the situations we can be polite, more or less educated, when someone really telling us displace a fragment of truth that irritates us answer full of anger. Here's what happens. Jesus must recognize here that the gospel, the word of truth and redemption of which he will be the sole authentic interpreter, for which accept to die nailed to a pole, this time the word is found in the mouth of the little pagan woman annoying, or maybe Jesus just was not ready, he could not imagine that the gospel ran so fast, that could break in such a short time all the borders, traditions, priorities that were set thousands of years of life and faith of his people. This was the first to Jesus out of Palestine is a kind of reconnaissance that he wanted to do the match. Instead, for the pagan woman the time of waiting has already expired: his daughter is sick today, and the urgency of the grace and mercy that time has already arrived, has already opened, it is already universal in that little prophet of Nazareth who do not is still conscious. Take good care
, sister and brother, this Canaanite woman does not call into question the priority or precedence of the people of Israel on way of salvation, no, he is conscious of being a newcomer, having been preceded by many others in the discovery of a God of mercy, and knows that Jesus did not come to remove this before, to cancel, no, you know than that of Israel is the root that brings us and from which it arose also Canaanite woman Jesus knows that in the surprise you find the dimension of grace, we are always preceded by other, Israel, today we might say that the churches battered is given to meet and serve. The woman basically said: Yes, I am a newcomer to the table of grace, I am not asking to sit at the head nor at the table, if there is no place, I just lie down under the table, that table if there is you, Jesus I do not need a large portion of grace, I am just the crumbs that fall from the table, because that is a bit of grace, and grace is not measured, even a fragment, a surplus, a crumb that gather from your hand, dear Jesus, just to build my hope, be enough to return my daughter to life. I know nothing of the catechism of your people, but I recognized the love of God that has taken shape. A piece of you will be enough to live my daughter.
Jesus surrenders to the faith of the woman who gives him a new identity and universal identity. The bambina, dopo la parola di Gesù – "la tua fede è grande, ti sia fatto come vuoi" – la bambina è guarita e anche il dolore della madre è guarito, ma in realtà è Gesù ad essere guarito dalla donna: guarito dalla sua paura di aprire i suoi orizzonti. È Gesù qui, in questo testo straordinario, ad essere evangelizzato, a capire quanto sia grande l’evangelo che egli annunzia. L’evangelo non ci dirà più nulla di questa donna, possiamo solo immaginare quanto la vita sua e della figlia che esce dalla follia siano cambiate. Sappiamo però quanto è cambiata la vita di Gesù attraverso quell’incontro, sappiamo che Gesù ha capito, ha capito che il suo amore era ed è for all. And we know that the knowledge we have, the love of God depends on the authenticity of our faith, our service to our witness. Staying alert to let you convert your foreign and different from those people who knock on our doors and our hearts, for those people who often have neither time nor desire to let ourselves be challenged. Well, if this happens every now and then we will learn something of what it means to be "church catholic" or "universal", and grasp something of the revolutionary message of the gospel.

Taken from transmission Evangelism
dell'1 gennaio 2011, 
Radiouno , la domenica alle 7.30

Best Temperature For Wood Stove

Una festa per le bimbe

Accomplices grandparents on Friday they went to take the girls to the nest, I had plenty of time to clean house and to arrange a snack colorful and fun just for us.
I set with a little 'things that I had at home, I put the puppets on the table preferred by girls, I scattered a bit' of streamers around the house, I harnessed a clown and I put the cd of our Michael Jackson ( YeYeYe Miriam) ball.

Bearded Dragon Eating Pinky

Autore del giorno, io!?

have been chosen as the author of the day ... IO !!?!??!?!
are featured on the home page of the site ...
A bit 'of self-congratulation is sometimes a good .... especially on a Monday morning ... and especially when the smell of vomit Melanie decided to give us in the car behind me as I still carry an aura magic!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Play Pokemon On Eee Pc 701


Ritorno nuovamente sul problema PIAGHE che mi sta molto a cuore.
Nonostante esista il vaccino antitetanico spesso nessun adulto lo fa se non costretto.
Ma parliamo anche di persone anziane affette da malattie (es. diabete) che hanno questo grosso problema.
I vari consigli e rimedi che propongo sono anche in base alla reperibilità delle erbe della vostra zona.


Le piaghe si differenziano dalle ferite per la loro little tendency to scar and then cured.
may be caused by physical or chemical agents, from lack of blood supply or by microbes. Are treated with warm compresses local herbal salve from the virtues which consolidates el ' and garlic are disinfected with hydrogen peroxide.


- 50 grams of dried roots of comfrey
- 250 grams of water

marinate for two hours, the dried roots and ground water. Then boiled for ten minutes and make it compresses the parts to treat.


- 20 cloves garlic, peeled
- 1 liter of water

Put the garlic in boiling water and keep tightly closed for about an hour. After this time Make it warm compresses premises six times a day.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Are Disneyland Auditions Like?

Quello che non va

E 'feature I always see the glass half full, unless it has touched the highest levels of distress, this is true. And
'my feature and do not try to defuse impanicarmi and worry more than necessary.
But when there are obvious signs of alarm, then ... DEVO preoccuparmi o, per lo meno, DEVO pensarci su.
Ecco i segnali di cui sto parlando (riguardano tutti Miriam):
  1. Giocando al gioco delle faccine , mi ha fatto rilevare che spesso io sono quella arrabbiata
  2. Manu, l'insegnante, ieri mi ha detto che Miriam ha fatto un disegno che rappresenta la sua famiglia e ha disegnato me, il papà e se stessa, ma NON Melania... quando le hanno chiesto: "Miri, sicura che non manca nessuno?" più e più volte, lei con naturalezza massima ha risposto che no, non mancava proprio nessuno, quindi non tiene affatto conto della presenza della sorellina nella famiglia.
  3. Il momento dell'addormentamento Evening is becoming a nightmare ... and there are books and books that take , it works temporarily, but then again worse than before ... since we left the pacifier is really a struggle.
And if I could fix (hopefully permanently) time to pick it up at the nest , I very much hope to find a solution to all the rest ...
But it is very difficult and ... I mainly work on myself first so that the item be deleted soon!

Chances Of Working With Dea

Melania la circense

I talked about the passion of Melanie stand on the chair Miriam and rejoice with great satisfaction ...
Now we have moved to a far more complicated and imaginative, a number worthy of one of the daughters of the family Orfei, a number that leaves his audience in suspense until the last ...
Here are a few frames.
Sit down, ladies and gentlemen, take place ... bites of popcorn and do not panic too much.

The tightrope walker is preparing to get on his jalopy

Here she tries to balance

Balancing, rises straight up

The number continues walking backwards

then finally reaching a more peaceful and the public can breathe again

execution continues with the number of different songs and dances

the artist salutes the audience clapping and smiling
least I hope he does not want to do the trapeze!