Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Streaming Free Laura Gemser


leggo un suo articolo:
come conservare le stoffe - Stashmania
Io personalmente lavo con acqua calda e detersivo tutte le stoffe quando entrano in casa,
le stiro e le metto da parte, in previsione di usarle per un progetto futuro.
Le stoffe rosse, purple and blue in particular tend to bleed.
To test the "strength" of the color, look at the color of the water in the washing machine last rinse
. If you see colored water, rinse repeat, ad infinitum, if necessary: \u200b\u200b
rinse 10 times better than finding your quilt spotted the first wash.
Cotton, in general, tends to restrict.
To keep the fabrics are different systems, generally is not recommended put them in plastic boxes
because the fabric tends to stain. To get an idea of \u200b\u200b
stash of quilters take a look at this link:
Fabric stash
Can 'seem like an incredible quilter can collect so' many fabrics.
But it is a real disease, a mania , the dreaded Stashmania , which in Italian can
' correspond to the neologism " Quilting , now extended between all quilters the world.
When you are infected with this virus, " Fabric fever", we tend to accumulate
materials without a specific reason, other than to enjoy the sight and touch, even smell, in times of
discomfort. They know something
family of quilters (true saints!), which are seen dragged into forced
tour constantly looking for patchwork fabrics from or adaptable for use, even and especially when you are
Spaces used at home tend to shrink , inexorably occupied by boxes, envelopes,
closets overflowing with clothes.
In the home of a quilter , unless you have a sewing studio "or" sewing room, even the hidden spaces such as
Underbed are filled with fabrics, patterns, work Unfinished (UFO). Even
lo spazio occupato dall'argomento quilting sul computer di casa invade la memoria disponibile
da dividere, con programmi specifici per disegnare quilts e con modelli scaricati gratis da Internet.
In questo caso le soluzioni sono due: o si compra un hard disk piu ' capiente o la quilter compra il suo
primo personal computer personale, per scongiurare dolorose guerre familiari.
Il rapporto di una quilters con le stoffe è come quello di un pittore con i suoi colori.
Per quante stoffe possiamo vedere, nei negozi, su internet, non ne avremo mai
abbastanza. Quella particolare sfumatura, quella sensazione al tatto, quell'immagine
the fabric design conjures up, will never be the same. Behind every
" quilting fabric " there is a history, people have created, people
that produced it, those who chose to sell . In between is the
quilter who chooses according to his tastes and the quilt made in ,
small or large, thinking about the exact location of his house where he
going to expose it to the person to which will be a gift.
to compose many different fabrics in a quilt is an art, not dependent (less
bad) from what the quilter spend to buy them, but, above all, feelings
driving it to create it. They make quilts to celebrate a birth, marriage,
a graduation, a retirement , the output from the hospital. We celebrate Christmas, you do
quilts charity, you help cancer research. The
quilters are, at least 200-odd years, a transverse movement, the U.S.
Europe, on 'Australia and Japan, that does not look in the face of wars and political
but is always present at the time of need.
This is not rhetoric, such as " grandmothers' quilts pack with pieces
Fabric made from bags containing cereals, " feedsacks ," so today
quilters are mobilizing to bring aid, through the sale of quilts
made on purpose, to people who need it, see the displaced
from the city of New Orleans due to hurricane.
And this was the " historical justification," the foundation for a real mania,
the "stash mania, the mania of the accumulation, the" quilting. "
Laymen smile, I see them already, the quilter know what this is all perfectly
Ogni quilter ha, storicamente , problemi di spazio. Ha il problema di come conservare
la sua collezione di stoffe. E, soprattutto, ha il problema di come giustificare ai
familiari questa manìa forsennata, quella forza incontrollabile che la spinge a
mettere da parte anche un piccolo quadratino di cotone, "prima o poi servirà", a
cercare in ogni negozio, supermercato , mercatino di paese, stoffe di cotone
adattabili allo scopo, a non buttare via camicie lise o jeans, per poi recuperare le
parti buone e comporle in un nuovo quilt .
Lo I confess, I am suffering from this disease, often a dream " sewing room "
a place to store all my home sewing machine, iron, table for cutting and
, wonder, wardrobes full of clothes , divided by color and size.
will remain only a dream, I live in a city in an apartment . Maybe in another life
born again in the country, with a room to fill with all my clothes, meanwhile
only pray that my stufino and do not throw me out of the house, me and my stash
miserably, however, my clothes are scattered throughout the house, travel in
cell stack, ready to tagliare, pronte da essere riposte, pronte da scambiare.
Si, perchè la quiltite è anche scambio. Non necessariamente la quilter compra anzi,
spesso scambia oppure riceve in dono ( squishies ) pezzetti di stoffa. Nella
maggioranza dei casi il donatore rimane anonimo. Oppure scambia blocchi finiti, a
tema, firmati, strisce di blocchi per un round robin .


ecco sono diventata ormai così e non so più che fare, ho not reviewed too many clothes and get rid of ... I do not say to give it away ... I just can not! and I never have time to make plans! I even have the room / balcony veranda, but it's a warehouse! many projects for the head but no one realized, I have many ideas but the artist's block! you also happen like this??


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