Monday, February 28, 2011

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Main unit in the transmission of hereditary characteristics, which are contained in chromosomes.

caused by a drug.


inability to perform the sexual act because of lack of erection or defects of the male member in the case of the male, and because of abnormalities that prevent vaginal intercourse in the female.

impotentia generandi

may be consequent to 'IMPOTENCE coeundi isolata.È present or from the lack of sperm or their lack of vitality in man, and a lack of ovulation in women. It may also act in many other factors that have nothing to do with diabetes.


Unexpected increase in the circulating glucose into the blood stream.


Decrease cirdcolante abnormal glucose into the blood stream.


substance that causes low blood sugar.


type of white blood cells and nucleated small, particularly in abbonadanti lymph nodes.

fatty necrobiosis

Destruction of life cell due to the excessive presence of fat.

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Spaghetti with creamy ginger

day Saturday in the M-house testing and tasting new things.
Melania ate his first with the egg jelly and has brushed with the whole greed!
In the afternoon the girls ate a nice gelatone strawberry and raspberry .... We
for lunch, instead, we prepared a plate of spaghetti that my invention can easily become part of our menu.

Ingredients for 2 people :
180 g of spaghetti
125 ml of cream (I find this new package of cream in a small jug, really comfortable!)
a little oil
ginger salt to taste
and pepper

procedure :
Boil a pot of salted water for spaghetti. Meanwhile, in a pan, put a little oil and some grated ginger. Sauté briefly, add the cream and mix.
Cook the spaghetti and almost cooked, drain. Pour into the pan where the sauce is ready to ginger, Sautee for a few minutes, sprinkle with pepper and serve.
particular taste and pleasant!

This recipe is in the contest:

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Miriam Terminator

It all started here .
Friday I go to the girls back to the nest, as usual.
Once in the car I ask Miriam "Miri, then gliel'hai told Clare that thing?"
"Ah ... not gliel'hai said ... oh well, patience ... the next time you see it hurts to Melanie but you know what to say it?"
"Shi Shi"
"Miri, but not told why gliel'hai you forgot you had? "
" No, no! "
" Ah, you've forgotten, so why not gliel'hai say? "
" Talla no, I chased talla no tattattalalashallatalla "
" Ah, okay, okay but mom did not understand why ... "
" Nooooooooo, noooooooooo Talla, Talla home !!!!!"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, I realized: Chiara did not come to school stayed home!"
And I finally solved the mystery!
End of story. Do not talk about it anymore. It goes all weekend.

This morning we come to the nest.
Let's go.
Miriam ago to get into the then turns to me suddenly and said: "Mom!! Talla!! There!! I hunt and pumme! I Talla ueueueuè!" (Mom, here there is Chiara, I mo 'I give a kick, fall so I can cry! "
Oh, and remember ... if I hired a killer!
laughs with evil I do .... covering yet the pale yellowish now covering the cheeks of Melanie smiles at me with his big blue sea!
smile to Melanie.
Miriam smile and greet with a kiss.
Go Miri

!!!!! For the rest, if will be there, waiting for the next episode.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Non bisogna mai aver paura dell'utopia.

Mi piace ripetere:
"Quando si sogna da soli,
è ancora soltanto un sogno,
quando si sogna in molti,
è già la realtà che inizia".
L'utopia condivisa,
is the mainspring of history.

And again

If I give food to the poor,
tell me I'm a saint, but when

wonder why the poor have nothing to eat, then say
create disorder!

It 's always utopia?

Dom Helder Camara.

taken from

Italian Committee for the CEVA
Community of Churches in Mission:
He opens the window ,
collection of texts of faith, by Renato Coïsson,
printed but not published, Trieste, 2000, p. 104.

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qui un tutorial spiegabilissimo per realizzare un nuovo modo di rifinire il bordo di un quilt.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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believing women

The World Day of Prayer

Vera Petrosillo Velvet

Also this' year, the first Friday of March, worldwide Christian women pray together with words of hope and challenge. The liturgy of the World Day of Prayer (GMP), resulted in hundreds of languages \u200b\u200band dialects, each year written by women of a different country, which involved making tens of thousands of sisters, spread across all continents, situations of suffering and injustice of which they are witnesses.

At a time when women, for various reasons, are being targeted by the media spotlight, it is more rewarding than ever to relive the history of GMP, a significant history of women who believed in the power of prayer and in need of 'action, daily commitment to transform and liberate humanity from the evils that afflict.

all began back in 1887, when the United States, appena usciti da una tremenda guerra fratricida, avevano gravi problemi sociali e nazionali da risolvere. Mary Ellen James, presidente del Comitato Femminile dell’Opera Missionaria della Chiesa presbiteriana negli Usa, consapevole dell’urgenza di una riappacificazione nazionale, senza indugi lanciò un appello perché venisse celebrata una Giornata nazionale di preghiera in segno di «confessione dei peccati individuali e nazionali», con raccolta di offerte quale «adeguata manifestazione di pentimento».

Consapevole che alla forza della preghiera dovesse affiancarsi l’efficacia dell’azione, Mary Ellen James non lesinò il suo impegno nell’opera di risanamento della sua nazione lacerata dalla guerra civile. Si prodigò per aiutare gli immigrati venuti negli Stati Uniti a rifarsi una vita e con i suoi sette figli andò per il mondo dovunque ci fosse bisogno di aiuto. Tre anni dopo, Helen Barrett Montgomery, scrittrice e studiosa del Nuovo Testamento, e Lucy Peabody, missionaria in India, con ruoli importanti nella Chiesa battista degli Usa, lanciarono, a loro volta, un appello perché fosse organizzata una giornata di preghiera e raccolta di offerte da dedicare alla alfabetizzazione delle donne e dei bambini dell’Africa, dell’Asia, dell’India. Le due donne avevano avuto l’intuizione che i problemi delle popolazioni povere non sarebbero stati risolti con la carità, ma con progetti atti to promote culture and development and they also understand that disability is for women and lack of education for full inclusion in the life of the society.

Some years passed and in 1922 Canadian women, who already celebrated every year a national day of prayer, the sisters wanted to join the U.S. for a joint celebration. The idea spread rapidly, crossed the seas and in 1927 became a day of prayer by name and made the World Day of Prayer. The small seed at the end of some 800 Protestant women began to stay later became a movement that rightly can be called global.

So far the history. Today, Christian women in 170 countries joined the movement of the GMP, whose Executive Committee is composed of representatives from Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, the Pacific and, for some years, the Church Catholic. Mary Allen lit the lamp and held it high as far back as 1887, at times, may have dimmed but not extinguished if there are still women who, with the power of prayer anywhere in the world, work for justice, for right, for peace every day of their lives.

taken from Reform ,

February 25 2011 - YEAR XIX - ISSUE 8

How To Make A Pedalboat


- Agenesis

Inability to procreare.In this case ovarian inability to produce or lead to the egg maturation, due to a defective development of ' organ.


Globulin authority to join a specific antigen, which prevents the action.


substance capable of inducing the formation of antibody, characterized by a specific ability to react against it.


Just chromosome, characteristic of the same.


probe that is introduced into a body orifice, natural or artificial, for his or drainage study.

- grafts (arteries and veins)

Own the heart and in direct contact with esso.Prendono this name for being the most important body.


Each segment which divides the nucleus of the cell, constant number for each species.

When playing the chromosomes divide into two, thus passing to each daughter cell.


Studio origin or the causes of a disease.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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opening their eyes to the morning light,
recovering consciousness of themselves,
and then the reality of the commitments and joys,
work and meetings with others, it is important
"Lord, I believe, come to the aid
my unbelief. "

necessary, in fact, give a day that is
the value and the intensity of a
"Day of God."

Paul Richardot, 1968

t rat:
Committee Italian for CEVA,
When day?
collection of authentic texts, translated by Renato Coïsson,
Torre Pellice 1988, Trieste 1994, printed but not published,
p. 75.

When Did Elvis Start Wearing Jumpsuit

loving kindness and mercy of the theologian Bonhoeffer

Our faith is nothing,
if we are not certain persuasion
that Christ is our
and that the Father is in him is good.

John Calvin

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leggo un suo articolo:
come conservare le stoffe - Stashmania
Io personalmente lavo con acqua calda e detersivo tutte le stoffe quando entrano in casa,
le stiro e le metto da parte, in previsione di usarle per un progetto futuro.
Le stoffe rosse, purple and blue in particular tend to bleed.
To test the "strength" of the color, look at the color of the water in the washing machine last rinse
. If you see colored water, rinse repeat, ad infinitum, if necessary: \u200b\u200b
rinse 10 times better than finding your quilt spotted the first wash.
Cotton, in general, tends to restrict.
To keep the fabrics are different systems, generally is not recommended put them in plastic boxes
because the fabric tends to stain. To get an idea of \u200b\u200b
stash of quilters take a look at this link:
Fabric stash
Can 'seem like an incredible quilter can collect so' many fabrics.
But it is a real disease, a mania , the dreaded Stashmania , which in Italian can
' correspond to the neologism " Quilting , now extended between all quilters the world.
When you are infected with this virus, " Fabric fever", we tend to accumulate
materials without a specific reason, other than to enjoy the sight and touch, even smell, in times of
discomfort. They know something
family of quilters (true saints!), which are seen dragged into forced
tour constantly looking for patchwork fabrics from or adaptable for use, even and especially when you are
Spaces used at home tend to shrink , inexorably occupied by boxes, envelopes,
closets overflowing with clothes.
In the home of a quilter , unless you have a sewing studio "or" sewing room, even the hidden spaces such as
Underbed are filled with fabrics, patterns, work Unfinished (UFO). Even
lo spazio occupato dall'argomento quilting sul computer di casa invade la memoria disponibile
da dividere, con programmi specifici per disegnare quilts e con modelli scaricati gratis da Internet.
In questo caso le soluzioni sono due: o si compra un hard disk piu ' capiente o la quilter compra il suo
primo personal computer personale, per scongiurare dolorose guerre familiari.
Il rapporto di una quilters con le stoffe è come quello di un pittore con i suoi colori.
Per quante stoffe possiamo vedere, nei negozi, su internet, non ne avremo mai
abbastanza. Quella particolare sfumatura, quella sensazione al tatto, quell'immagine
the fabric design conjures up, will never be the same. Behind every
" quilting fabric " there is a history, people have created, people
that produced it, those who chose to sell . In between is the
quilter who chooses according to his tastes and the quilt made in ,
small or large, thinking about the exact location of his house where he
going to expose it to the person to which will be a gift.
to compose many different fabrics in a quilt is an art, not dependent (less
bad) from what the quilter spend to buy them, but, above all, feelings
driving it to create it. They make quilts to celebrate a birth, marriage,
a graduation, a retirement , the output from the hospital. We celebrate Christmas, you do
quilts charity, you help cancer research. The
quilters are, at least 200-odd years, a transverse movement, the U.S.
Europe, on 'Australia and Japan, that does not look in the face of wars and political
but is always present at the time of need.
This is not rhetoric, such as " grandmothers' quilts pack with pieces
Fabric made from bags containing cereals, " feedsacks ," so today
quilters are mobilizing to bring aid, through the sale of quilts
made on purpose, to people who need it, see the displaced
from the city of New Orleans due to hurricane.
And this was the " historical justification," the foundation for a real mania,
the "stash mania, the mania of the accumulation, the" quilting. "
Laymen smile, I see them already, the quilter know what this is all perfectly
Ogni quilter ha, storicamente , problemi di spazio. Ha il problema di come conservare
la sua collezione di stoffe. E, soprattutto, ha il problema di come giustificare ai
familiari questa manìa forsennata, quella forza incontrollabile che la spinge a
mettere da parte anche un piccolo quadratino di cotone, "prima o poi servirà", a
cercare in ogni negozio, supermercato , mercatino di paese, stoffe di cotone
adattabili allo scopo, a non buttare via camicie lise o jeans, per poi recuperare le
parti buone e comporle in un nuovo quilt .
Lo I confess, I am suffering from this disease, often a dream " sewing room "
a place to store all my home sewing machine, iron, table for cutting and
, wonder, wardrobes full of clothes , divided by color and size.
will remain only a dream, I live in a city in an apartment . Maybe in another life
born again in the country, with a room to fill with all my clothes, meanwhile
only pray that my stufino and do not throw me out of the house, me and my stash
miserably, however, my clothes are scattered throughout the house, travel in
cell stack, ready to tagliare, pronte da essere riposte, pronte da scambiare.
Si, perchè la quiltite è anche scambio. Non necessariamente la quilter compra anzi,
spesso scambia oppure riceve in dono ( squishies ) pezzetti di stoffa. Nella
maggioranza dei casi il donatore rimane anonimo. Oppure scambia blocchi finiti, a
tema, firmati, strisce di blocchi per un round robin .


ecco sono diventata ormai così e non so più che fare, ho not reviewed too many clothes and get rid of ... I do not say to give it away ... I just can not! and I never have time to make plans! I even have the room / balcony veranda, but it's a warehouse! many projects for the head but no one realized, I have many ideas but the artist's block! you also happen like this??

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Family :
Asteraceae (formerly known as Compositae), a large family of dicotyledonous plants of the order Asterales.
Species :
Balsamic major Desf.
Other common names: Bitter Grass, Grass of the Bible.

Crysanthemum balsamic L.

perennial herb native of western Asia. In Italy it is cultivated and often feral at the gardens.

botanical characters
rhizomatous plant with erect stems, branched, up to 120 cm. The leaves are alternate, leathery, ovate-oblong, toothed margins. The flowers of yellow gold.
fragrant flowers and leaves used for seasoning.

difficult to reproduce by seed, because they are often sterile and poor germination. Definitely easier it is to multiply by division of clumps in autumn or spring. Can be grown in large pots or land filled.

Collection and storage
The leaves are preferably harvested before flowering and used fresh. Can also be frozen in sealed bags.

use in the kitchen
Use sparingly (for the bitter taste) to give flavor to omelets, stuffings, poultry dishes, vegetable pies.

Therapeutic properties
antispasmodiche, carminative, diuretiche, emmenagoghe.
Per il decotto si usa un pizzico di Erba essiccata lasciandola brevemente in infusione in una tazza d'acqua bollente.
Due volte al giorno.

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Italy the theologian Bonhoeffer
photographs, postcards, impressions ...
Meeting the Catholic Church
ties between faith and everyday life, beliefs and faiths

In the spring of 1924, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the young, with his brother Klaus, goes to Italy, stopping in particular in the capital and Sicily. From here the two brothers embark on an adventurous trip to Libya, which ended prematurely con la loro mai chiarita espulsione.
Nel volume, le parole del futuro teologo si accompagnano a immagini dei luoghi visitati, a fotografie inedite, scattate dai due fratelli, nonch´ a lettere, molte in prima traduzione italiana, che essi scambiarono con amici e parenti.
Dalle pagine di Dietrich emerge l'acuta osservazione del nostro Paese e del comportamento degli italiani nella colonia libica. Possiamo così seguirne l'emozionante incontro con la Roma antica e, soprattutto, la scoperta del cattolicesimo romano: un'esperienza, questa, che influenzerà significativamente la riflessione del teologo maturo.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), teologo luterano e radicale oppositore del regime nazionalsocialista, fu impiccato nel campo di concentramento di Flossenbürg nell’aprile 1945 per ordine diretto di Hitler.

Il libro
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Viaggio in Italia
a cura di Fulvio Ferrario e Manuel Kromer
illustrato con foto originali
pp. 112

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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click HERE and relax with this beautiful music video quilt composition of the reasons that we know very well, go and see that it's worth it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Usando regolarmente l'aceto si può beneficiare delle sue preziose proprietà. Per esempio è diuretico e c'è chi giura che prendendone un cucchiaio, meglio se di mele, a digiuno la mattina, è anche dimagrante. Contiene alcuni derivati dei fenoli in grado di svolgere a stabilizing action of vitamins E and C. But there are many other properties of vinegar.

Here, fortunately, the risk of infection is very remote, but it is useful to know that vinegar has been recognized undisputed properties as a means of preventing epidemics, especially cholera. And 'in fact just use vinegar to wash food and objects, and personal cleanliness.

Apply on the forehead or a cotton cloth soaked in vinegar folded.

morning drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey will make you a stimulant and also in summer you can quench your thirst perfectly.
Or add 2 to 3 cups of vinegar to the bath for a stimulating bath, very clean also suitable for oily skin. If you have a shower instead, frizionatevi the body with a little vinegar before you wash.

to rinse them well and remove all traces of grease used warm water and vinegar. So the hair will also regain luster and soft and fluffy, even in stubborn cases.

To protect the skin wash with water and vinegar, with a good spalmatevi frizionatevi cream and then with a few drops of vinegar that will be pure asteringente: by increasing the skin's resistance against the weather.

can be cleaned and disinfected with vinegar that has aspects of both anti-bacterial cleaning agents. If piaghetta was inside the mouth will be very effective to rinse and gargle with vinegar.

Boil a clove of garlic in a glass of vinegar and then rinse with warm decoction, holding a little in my mouth and placing emphasis on the painful point.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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millennia of life? VEGETARIAN PAELLA

There are lives destined to develop without joy or pleasure.
There are lives and whose aspirations do not suffer, escape from pain.
And you realize that you are tired at twenty thousand years.
Why questions are more and more answers?
Because everyone is looking for in these answers, but you can only give you new questions and doing what causes pain and hate.
because the human being does not accept his divinity and stop looking for what you already is.
When the flame is extinguished for the last light will be more intense and for a moment you point the way forward. Hopefully!
If the answers are sufficient then be able to find the way and walk in the dark.
And who does not have the answers?
will be a return to wander in the dark or light in the mirror.

And the way?
Take the time and you have a perception of what reality really is!

(Max-Curio 19/09/2008)

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"As you know (but who knows yet?) The first" February 17 "did not take place on 17 but 25, the publication of the Letters Patent, signed by Carlo Alberto 17, was postponed for a few days for reasons of public order. The cultural and political climate in which they were enacted laws that discriminated against minorities concerned - Waldensians and Jews - is the most excited you can imagine. We must not forget, in '48 (and "do a 48 remained until today synonymous with disorder, noise): the year of popular petitions, processions of citizens in ways that beset the peaceful but energetic royal palaces to request a new political system where the people are represented. This disintegration of the political system earlier, what is usually called the Ancien Régime, even the small world Valdese is involved: it is still of traumatic events, not routine. Of those memorable days we have the valuable testimony of two young people who have lived Waldensians: Jean-Jacques Parander, help the pastor Bert embassy in Prussia in Turin, which went on the night of Feb. 24 the news of the valleys (...) and Antoine Monastier (...) The day was of course gran festa, e si comprende, ed ebbe i suoi momenti chiave nel culto di ringraziamento in chiesa, nel corteo, nei banchetti e, la sera, nei fuochi: forme di comunicazione dell’epoca romantica. Il Te Deum (dalle parole d’inizio del canto: Te Deum laudamus , Ti lodiamo Signore), servizio religioso solenne a Dio per un evento eccezionale (una vittoria, una liberazione) appartiene alla tradizione; altrettanto tradizionale è il fuoco (…) Molto meno tradizionale – anzi innovativo – è invece il corteo, classica espressione di una coscienza civile moderna: nel 1789 è il popolo in marcia verso la Bastiglia, nel 1848 la folla che chiedeva the Constitution "

- Giorgio Tourn, in:
Giorgio Tourn - Bruna Peyrot, Brief History of the Feast of the seventeenth February , monographs published on the occasion of February 17, XVII February 1994, pp. 40.
The quotation is from p. 5.

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I made another scarf in emerald green with a gradient tone on tone for my daughter.
Easy and fast in 2 hours!

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is with my husband who introduced himself to the door ... it's beautiful!

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 Nuovo Verbum

NEW Verbum
The Jerusalem Bible DVD
Year: 2010 (December)
Edition: 1
Pages: 8
Collection: Electronic Publishing

Pack: DVD


Windows XP Home Edition

Microsoft Net Framework 4
included on the DVD

Pentium 4 processor at 2 GHz

; 2 GB

HD space 4 GB


Video Card
1024x768x65000 colors


this first version is not usable
for Apple (MAC), later released New Verbum
version of Apple (MAC) for information email:

description of the work

Verbum offers The New Jerusalem Bible with new text CEI (edition 2008) on DVD.
This is a very useful tool for reading, studying and working on the texts of the Bible Jerusalem Bible with innovative features and the possibility of enriching the content through the internet connection.
In offline mode, you can browse and search through the text, create bookmarks and libraries, add documents: the contents can then be transferred and synchronized by the user, to mobile devices such as smartphones, PDAs, notebooks, tablet. Through the website registered users will have access to extra content that will enrich the library staff.
With New DV " Scripture become fragrant literary text, the expression of poetry, insights and the many secrets of high. With this guide, the Scriptures become more clear Word of God, "strength of faith, soul food, pure and lasting fount of spiritual life" (DV 21) »
(Presentation by Mgr. Gianfranco Ravasi).

taken from the website:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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In the case of indigestion, fatigue, joints, respiratory problems, urinary problems.


- 1 cucchiaio d'olio
- 1 piccola cipolla
- 3 spicchi d'aglio
- 1 peperone verde
- 1 peperone rosso
- 375 gr di riso integrale
- 2 pomodori
- 900 ml di brodo vegetale
- 2 cipolle
- 2 sedani a pezzetti
- 125 gr di mais dolce
- pepe

Scaldate l'olio in una padella molto grande e fate scioglere la cipolla affettata.
Aggiungete i peperoni e mescolate per altri 5 minuti.
Aggiungete il brodo, portate a bollore e lasciate boil for 5 minutes.
Then add all other ingredients and simmer until the rice is ready and all the broth has been absorbed.
If necessary, add more water or broth.

Friday, February 11, 2011

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February: Valentine's Day, love, red ...

as I changed to my blog ... I'm sick of pink.
Sometimes it feels the need to change, to make an effort to erase the past that sometimes each of us take for themselves and that somehow serves to overcome certain obstacles, certain habits ...
why I chose the color red is a color that gives energy, exciting, warm color, pleasant, is the color of love, the month of February, Valentine's ... and is a color that I wanted some furniture for the house by the sea, to a wall, as it goes about fashion!
I hope for you is a pleasant surprise!
I want to comment ... I also accept criticism!

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

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fatigue? MOST LIKELY END Epidemic

to recharge the batteries, the secret is to eat little and often prefer raw vegetables.


1 - Eating regularly and correctly: more frequently. This will prevent surges in blood glucose, which also determine the changes in your energy level.

2 - Eating foods included in the list, which are easy to digest and damage sustained force.

3 - Even if you feel tired, avoid eating sugar: no biscuits or chocolate and even sugar cubes.

4 - Eat plenty of raw foods that provide energy almost instantaneously.

5 - Always remember what are the elements that help you fight fatigue: vitamins B, C and E, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium.


- broccoli
- wheat
- sprouts
- mandorle
- riso integrale
- semi di sesamo
- spinaci
- frutta: arance, banane, datteri, fichi, fragole, lamponi, limoni, mele, pere, prugne, rabarbaro, uva
- verdura: asparagi, barbabietole, broccoli, carote, cavolo, cicoria, cipolle, indivia, ortiche, pomodori, scorzonera, sedano, tarassaco, topinambur
- cereali: avena, germe di grano, grano saraceno, miglio, orzo
- noci, semi, legumi: noci, semi di girasole, lenticchie e soia
- erbe e spezie:cannella, ginepro, maggiorana, menta, prezzemolo, rafano, rosmarino, salvia, timo
- altro: ìestratto di lievito


-refined carbohydrates: white sugar, white flour, cakes made with these ingredients undertake too much energy to digest fatty
: they are also too laborious to digest
- Alcohol: It destroys the vitamin C and some B vitamins are beneficial to the health of the nervous system
- caffeine than in coffee, tea, the cola-based drinks and chocolate inhibit iron absorption if consumed with food vieme that provide. So avoid taking when you eat eggs, wholemeal cereals and meat
- red meat: they provide iron, but are diffivcile digestion
- energy drinks: they are rich in glucose. At first they can give you a "boost" of energy, but do not solve the root problem.



- muesli with yogurt and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and wheat germ, dried fruit (apricots and raisins)


- baked beans with brown bread


- tomato salad, chicken with rosemary, almonds


- albicocche secche e yogurt


- torta di spinaci, yogurt e frutta secca


- asparagi con burro fuso, pilaf di lenticchie e orzo con piselli e broccoli, arance con miele e cannella

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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grants to support older people in financial difficulty

The CSD Diakonia Valdese, on behalf of the Synod of the Waldensian and Methodist churches, is responsible for managing a solidarity fund aimed provision of grants to support people who, for proven economic hardship, are not in a position to bear the full cost of fees at the nursing home to which they are housed or that, to stay at home, in need of financial assistance to provide them with appropriate assistance.

The management of the fund is governed by a regulation that defines the scope and financing. Each year, the CSD Diakonia Valdese appoint an advisory committee which is responsible for appraising and evaluating the requests received. The Solidarity Fund is endowed by contributions and gifts from individuals and churches, any legacies serve this purpose, as well as projects supported by funds from eight per thousand Waldensian.

her application for support must be made no later than December 31 of each year. However, there is an emergency fund that can give grants support at other times of the year, if of proven need.

Download the application forms to apply for a scholarship seniors.

Alternatively, forms are available at nursing homes Waldensian or from the CSD, which we may be contacted for further information by e-mail ( )

All applications must be sent to:

Synodal Commission for Diakonia
via Angrogna, 18
10066 Torre Pellice (TO).

who wishes to contribute to Fund Scholarships Seniors "can do it via bank transfer to the account made out to:

Synodal Commission for the Diaconate - IBAN: IT 16 R 03069 30601 100000001067.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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on living wills


show is the new form

directives for end of life

Catholics and evangelicals

Rome (NEV), February 2, 2011 - After that launched in 1999 and 2003 by the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and the German Bishops' Conference (DBK), has now introduced the new form joint to allow the Germans who wish to leave his "testament biological. "The new text - adapted to the changing legislative framework - than the old version made obsolete, foregrounds the figure of the Trust and its mayor, and further refine the provisions on health care. The new model was developed in collaboration with the Community of Christian Churches in Germany (ACK). The concern of the evangelical and Catholic leaders is to not leave any room for interpretation than the choice expressed by the patient, by focusing on its responsibility.
The new version of "Christliche Patientenvorsorge" was presented to the public last January 26 in Domforum Cologne where they occurred, among others, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, president of DBK, and the Lutheran Bishop Jochen Bohl, Vice-Chairman of the EKD.
"He asked the Council to express the end of life directives always appointing a trustee - said Bohl -. Only in this way can be avoided abuse than previously expressed by ensuring the correct interpretation of the wishes of the patient no longer able to decide. From this point of view is primarily the choice of the trustee than mere directives on medical treatment. " "A sensible choice and ethically responsible," said Zollitsch, stressing that he could worry about the end of its life, being "still in good health," is a real opportunity. Friedrich Weber, president dell'ACK, welcomed the success of "cooperation among Christian churches on this important issue."

taken from
NEV - Evangelical News of February 2, 2011