Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cartman Joins Nambla French


are intestinal parasites that mainly affects dogs. They live in the intestines of the animal deprived of food and resulting in colic, vomiting and diarrhea. Can be seen in the stool (whitish worms long on average 5 to 10 cm round-shaped spaghetti) that represent the vehicle of transmission: the ingested eggs reach the intestine through the liver and, hence, by circulation, reach returning to the lungs and throat, by adult worms in the gut. It 's very important "worm" the dog as soon as possible and submit it to regular audit of the stool, and collect and destroy them to prevent transmission to humans and other animals.

These small round worms commonly infect the digestive tract of children at home if there is an animal that has them.

causes: poorly washed food, lack of hand washing, too close contact with the dog.


It 's a very active plant called "grass of worms", which says a lot about his chances.
seeds are used in infusion: 4 grams for a cup of boiling water, after an overnight fast, for a few days.

Or use the seeds in powder, in the same dose, adding with honey or jam. For adults we will double the amount (8g), you can also make lavender: boil 15/30 grams of seeds in a quart of water for five minutes (preferably 2 or 3 cloves of garlic).
filtered, cooled to 35 °, and Lavender to internal (or enema).


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