Il fegato è un organo centrale, il cui buon funzionamento è essenziale per l'organismo. Ha un ruolo ben preciso nella maggior parte dei processi vitali; è un vero laboratorio cui sono assigned more than 3000 functions.
In digestion, the liver controls the metabolism of sugars and fats and also chairs the detoxification of the body.
This allows us to understand that the smaller liver dysfunction manifested by discomfort that can range from simple fatigue, general feeling of the classic "liver crisis" with nausea, heavy head, depression ...
To get back in the saddle, you have to purify this important body. Plants are very useful for this purpose.
Artichoke leaves, not those that you eat, which are part of the flowers but the leaves of the stem, those that do not normally come to our flat, they are excellent for the liver.
They do lower the cholesterol level.
- Mettetene boiling 50-70 grams in one liter of water for 2 minutes and let steep for another five minutes. Take 2 cups a day for 2 or 3 weeks. Warning ...! It 's a tea very, very bitter.
contains a substance that protects the liver from toxic assaults (alcohol, intensive drug treatments such as antibiotics).
After heavy meals and gargantuan of questions the last few days put the liver at rest and undergo treatment for ROSEMARY .
- Prepare a tea by putting it to infuse for 10 minutes in a cup of boiling water, a teaspoon of flowering tops of rosemary, and drink a cup very hot after the two meals main.
- An excellent way to decongest the liver and bile ducts, is in ' applied on the region of the liver, just below the ribs, right, a bag of hot water from 60 ° and hold for 10-20 minutes, preferably in the morning, just awake, but also after meals.